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Byzantine Empire: AD 602-610 Phocas NGC MS (5/5, 3/5) AV Solidus - Other

Byzantine Empire: AD 602-610 Phocas NGC MS (5/5, 3/5) AV Solidus - Other

Regular price $1,312.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,312.50 USD
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�Initially a middle-ranking officer in the�Eastern Roman army, Phocas rose to prominence as a spokesman for dissatisfied soldiers in their disputes with the court of the Emperor�Maurice. When the army revolted in 602, Phocas emerged as the natural leader of the mutiny. The revolt proved to be successful and led to the capture of�Constantinople�and the overthrow of Maurice on 23 November 602 with Phocas declaring himself emperor the same day. - Other

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