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1900 50C CACG MS67 ex: D.L. Hansen

1900 50C CACG MS67 ex: D.L. Hansen

Regular price $27,825.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $27,825.00 USD
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From a decadent mintage of 4,762,000 coins, this premium gem is tied with just three others as the finest known. Teal toning takes front stage with gold and dusty-rose coloration mingling throughout. Frosty luster radiates across the surfaces and illuminates the colorful, original skin. Not lacking details, this piece was sharply impressed and carefully taken care of. A single obverse bag mark on Liberty's cheek is noticeable but is the only thing holding the coin back from a plus-grade or ultra-gem level. The technical quality and outstanding eye appeal carry this piece and solidify it as an un-beatable registry set piece. - Barber Half Dollar

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